Site visit summary
During my site visit, I presented two cases to the site evaluator, one case was based on a pregnant patient that had come into the clinic with intractable vomiting and the second patient came in for vaginal bleeding. The feedback which I received from the site evaluator was very relevant and helpful to improving my future site evaluations. Some of the feedback that I received pertaining to my H&Ps was about the critical information that was missing from them. Additionally, the feedback helped me to improve my HPI, assessment, and plan. The evaluation also helped to clear up my confusions about how to properly write a focused H&P and all the critical elements that are still needed even though it is not a comprehensive H&P such as the past medical history, social history, and review of systems. I also was able to better understand the reason for writing a patient education section, which would essentially help us as clinicians get accustomed to properly explaining to the patients in laymen terms. Lastly, I received some feedback on the journal article and how it has to pertain to the main diagnosis as oppose to diagnosis that is on your differential. All in all, I believe that this site evaluation and the feedback were very enlightening and have helped me understand what is expected of me of my H&P and future site evaluations.